Sunday, August 25, 2019

This Is Me

                     My name is Elizabeth Vanessa Everhart, I am the oldest in my family with one brother seven years younger than me.I was born in May of 2001 making me currently 18 years old.I have lived in Glendale, Arizona my entire life, my parents bought our house a year before I was born. When I was little I was a bit of a tomboy, I loved being outside riding my bike or skateboard and playing basketball. As I grew up I stopped going outside as often due to my discovery of YouTube and video games. I found that I love making up stories leading me to start to write alternative stories to shows and characters in middle school. Later on, I created my own characters and stories but never finished anything because I got distracted by other things. I realized writing things on paper never worked out so I thought I should turned my stories into moving images to help keep my mind focused. I have always created stories ever since I was little.When I was little and my parents would read a book to me I would change the characters and make up my own story instead of what the book had. Now my mind is still creating stories every second, distracting me from my daily life. I want to eventually be able to show people these stories. Of course I thought about being other things instead of a Filmmaker, like a musician or dancer because I love those things so much but I don't think I can be confident enough to do that.My mom is very artistic and majored in art and photography so I ended up taking both subjects in high school and like them very much however I wanted to do something a little different.Therefore, I have decided on getting a Bachelors degree in Film to expand my knowledge of the subject to one day create my stories.
Below is a picture of me in my natural habitat outside when I was little and a photo that I took in photography in HighSchool.  The Link Is to a video that I made for my dad for his birthday, the audio didn't want to play due to copyright.

1 comment:

  1. Being born and raised in Arizona and loving the outdoors means you do not mind the 110 degree weather huh? Haha. I love that you are the oldest, I am too. It can be demanding at times but fun all the same.

    What types of films do you plan on making with your degree?
